Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Smiles Predict Marriage Sucess!!

HOLY WOW!!! If you want to predict your spouse ability to stay married just look at their high school yearbook. If they have a intense smile they won't get a divorce, but if they don't smile, your marriage is doomed! It definitely can't be that they were have a bad day and didn't want to smile or that they didn't want to show off their braces. It's definitely a personality trait meaning less success in marriage.

Must be a slow news day. Read the article here.

BK mess up

Apparently Burger King is getting in trouble from Mexican officials about an ad they had. Read the story and see picture here.

Seriously? Did they think that would be okay? What if someone made an ad with someone wearing our flag like that, pretty sure our government would've went up in arms about it. Way to go Burger King, nice respect for other cultures.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

I guess the Super Bowl is coming up this weekend or something. Honestly, I never watch TV or read the paper, so I never know about these things.

However in the spirit of that, here is a article the Times did about how the Super Bowl logos have been made. It's kinda the thought process behind them. It's pretty interesting.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Cereal Mascots

I have seriously been slacking on this blog. My apologies to those who read. This is my last semester during my undergrad and I'm looking into grad school's so life has been crazy busy!

Anyway I found this quiz online a while ago. It's a quiz on how much you know about cereal mascots. Take the quiz, see how much the media's attempt to make you remember their product has worked.

Hope all is well!

Friday, October 31, 2008


I also blog on and the other day on there home page they featured sponsored video. I'm sure they do this often and normally I ignore them, however this one caught my eye. The title read "Hotel 626: Scariest place on the web! (Sponsored Video)". The scariest place on the web. It is interesting that we are considering something that only exist through wires a "place". Anyway I wanted to see what it was about, so I watched the promo video. I get scared pretty easily, and perhaps it was because I watched the video at night, but I thought it was pretty freaky. So I go to the web site. The homepage states that it is only open from 6pm - 6am and if I enter in my name they will let me know when a room is available or something to that effect. By now I'm very intrigued; it's very thought out and creative, thus far, what could they possibly be doing on the internet with this?

Well I have not made it there yet, but research tells me that this is an advertisement for Frito-Lay. It seems to be a freaky puzzle that you work through according this this article. Interesting way to advertise. I'll hopefully try it out tonight and let you know how it goes.

In other news, the election is coming up. In way to get more people pumped about voting or to just have some fun, some sites have come up allowing people to personalize a generic video about you or your friends. The video talks about the person running for, winning or spoiling the elections. Here is a couple some of my friends have used #1 and #2.


Thursday, October 2, 2008

discouragement and confusion

I'm an undergrad student in my fifth and last year in college...well this college at least. After this year I plan to go to graduate school to get a degree in library science so I can be a librarian. Before you ask, yes you have to get a degree in library science to be a librarian and guess what? It has to be a master degree because that is all they offer.

Today in my history of communication technologies class, with one of the best professors I've ever had, we talked about grades as a communication technology and we discussed what they communicate. Obliviously many of you would say they communicate how well we know a topic or how well we learn, but do they really? I brought up in class that much of what I have learned in college and things that I remember are not things that I am tested and graded on. Are grades really useful or do they just prove how well we can regurgitate what the teacher wants us to?

The Sam, my prof., made us think. If grades really don't measure what we are learning why do we have them? Well our class said we have them so we can get our degree, so we can get a job, get into grad school...I mentioned that we have them so our school can display itself to other schools, as in "our students have an average GPA of 4.0" or whatever.

Sam told us that the only reason why we have this system in place is because we let it be in place. Basically we agree to follow the rules of grades by agreeing to come to this university, or any university for that matter. But if we don't think it's right, people could choose to not go to the university, perhaps start up a new university with a different way of grading and we could make some change.

This is a valid point, but how can you change this when our society is so grounded in the way things are now? I have been struggling with this concept for a while now. I'm jumping through hoops trying to get my grades up so I can get into graduate school. I'm worrying that I won't have enough extracurriculars and/or that my GPA won't be high enough to get me into grad school and then what will I do? My life dreams will be messed up. The prefabricated plan that society has placed on me will be over and so will my life. As Sam mentioned in class people literally make themselves sick over worrying about these things.

I ask you now as I have been asking myself is this prefabricated plan really life? Somehow I doubt it.

Sometimes I just don't get it. We have a whole world out there. There are many things to explore, to learn, to experience and yet the prefabricated plan forces us to go to school for 2,4,5,6,8, or more years. Everyday packed full of nothing but school, work and homework. Perhaps a little social time. Just so we can get a career where everyday is filled mostly with work. Then we get the family so our days are packed once again, with work and then family things. Eventually you can retire and go out and perhaps experience the world - experience life - when you're too old to fully enjoy it. Is this really what life is all about? And when I say life, I don't mean what society says life is. I mean to core of what God (or whatever you believe) meant life to be. I'm not so sure it is...

Don't get me wrong. I understand you need a career to survive in this world. And of course I would like to get married and have a family. I'm just not sure if we are going about things the right way...

Here is a video I have been show twice this week by two different Com professors, Sam and my com research prof. I think it is supposed to be geared towards teacher/professors trying to get them to teach us more with new technology since this is what we do most days. Look at me, I'm typing up my thoughts on class in my blog. However, I just look at it and feel discouraged about the way life is set up and the I guess the way our learning is set up.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Interesting... did an article on the brainwashing techniques used in media...wait the media doesn't try to brainwash us....right?

Also I was bumming around on youtube and found this video on banned cartoons. I can't believe some of the stuff they made!!